Monday, May 15, 2006

Revolving door etiquette

Originally uploaded by gak.
This is one of the vexing questions of life in a city office tower - what exactly is the correct etiquette when entering and exiting revolving doors? Is it appropriate to jump in for a ride with another person in the same little quarter of the revolving door? Or should entries and exits be spaced so that only one person is present in each quarter?

In my view, if the other person is someone you know and the space is large enough, I think it's OK for both of you to take a ride together. However, if it's a stranger, no matter how big the revolving door, it's far too cosy a space for it to be polite for both of you to hop in together - wait your turn!


At 9:26 am, Blogger Dave Miers said...

i think an exception to your rule would be during peak hour!
if it's a super busy revolving door... and the space is large enough... it wouldn't be inappropriate to jump in and ride together with a stranger

At 12:45 pm, Blogger Robert Gramly said...

Here's another important question on this issue: What does a gentleman do when faced with the option to allow a woman to go first into a revolving door? You could argue that it's a door like any other and the woman should go first. On the other hand, pushing the door can be hard work and perhaps a gentleman would jump in and push to make it easier for the woman behind him.

At 4:34 pm, Blogger Andy M said...

Hi Robert.
Which buildings in the city do you frequent? I don't know of any that still have revolving doors that need to be pushed - most are automated now. Perhaps they're a bit behind the times back in Chicago, hey, unlike cutting-edge-Sydney!
Does that make the question a bit easier?

At 9:14 pm, Blogger Dave Miers said...

hey andy,
is that photo from your office block?

At 10:25 pm, Blogger Robert Gramly said...

I guess that's a reflection of my clientele. It must be nice to work at the big end of town in schmick office buildings where the revolving doors are all motorized. But I have to admit that question did come to me when I lived in Chicago where you still have to push the revolving doors. Perhaps a motorized revolving door would freeze in the Chicago winter.

At 9:13 am, Blogger Andy M said...

David: no, not my building. I can take a shot with my phone if you like! Our doors are much nicer ...

Robert: so I was right about Chicago, hey! I was half joking, thinking a big city like that would have impressive motorized revolving doors. But I guess, like NY, many of Chicago's skyscrapers are very, very old, much older than Sydney's buildings.
Mind you, even the older buildings in Sydney have all had a facelift to their foyers in the last 5-10 years. It's weird seeing these 1960s office blocks with ultra modern, sleek foyers, all glass and stainless steel and downlights (not to mention schmick revolving doors!).


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